The Senate Majority Rules The Downside of ‘Turnabout Is Fair Play’

  • The Senate Majority Rules The Downside of ‘Turnabout Is Fair Play’
    The Senate Majority Rules The Downside of ‘Turnabout Is Fair Play’

Once you’ve built the machinery of political power, remember you won’t always be the one to run it.”

Peter J. O’Rourke, American Satirist and Journalist

“Give us some more monkeys, these can’t dance.” If you’ve ever played “rise and fly” bid whist with a bunch of trashtalkers, you will remember that it feels so good “signifying” that expression in laughter and condescending gestures as your card playing opponents dutifully depart the table in the agony of defeat. But, your laughter and haughty behaviors are promptly shut-off when you and your partner—according to the rules of “rise and fly”—must exit in defeat as the right to make trash-talk is suddenly forfeited to jubilant rivals who launch into “signifying” mode consequent to Lady Luck smiling at them. Subsequently, as the new bid whist round unfolds, it doesn’t feel so good watching the players that replaced you and your partner enjoy the privileges that once belonged to you. But, isn’t “turnabout fair play?”




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