As the Presidential Election Approaches More of The Same ‘Mess’ From Mr. Trump

  • As the Presidential Election Approaches More of The Same ‘Mess’ From Mr. Trump
    As the Presidential Election Approaches More of The Same ‘Mess’ From Mr. Trump

John Berger, Art Critic, Novelist, Painter, Poet

He keeps putting his foot in his mouth, as my mother use to say, and doesn’t even know it. So, what has Mr. Trump done now? Let me explain.

Several books about race will most likely persuade you to believe President Donald Trump is ignorant of his “white privilege.” In the last few weeks, he moved to revamp federal agencies’ racial sensitivity trainings, according to Josh Dawsey and Jeff Stein in White House directs federal agencies to cancel race-related training sessions it calls ‘un-American propaganda’.

The article reported that the president instructed OMB Director Russell Vought to do everything possible to prevent federal agencies from spending millions of taxpayer dollars on racial sensitivity trainings. Evidently, Mr. Trump is opposed to authorizing federal spending that may lead to a fundamental understanding of “white privilege” or “critical race theory.” He thinks it’s “un-American propaganda.” But in view of the racial tension that has erupted in the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder, couldn’t racial sensitivity trainings possibly lead to healing America’s soul?



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